Graphic Design


Not sure what they are? Well formally, they are visual images such as a chart or diagram used to represent information or data. I like to make them a bit more exciting than just that.


2017 – 2018


Graphic Design

Plastic Free July Infographic

Plastic Free July

As part of an effort to reduce plastic waste in our oceans, we came up with an infographic to display alarming facts on single-use plastics. My part was laying out the facts in a concise and interesting layout to be shared through social media.

PCG Proofread Infographic Jersey Shore Graphic Design

Blog Infographic

An original infographic from a content team, used as a general rule for proofreading work before posting it. Focused on typography, graphics, and readability.

PCG Infographic

Why Digital Marketing – PCG

Original infographic to explain why Digital Marketing is so important. Received stats and paragraphs of information in one bunch. By using icons, color variations and sectional layouts, was able to create a more fun and interesting piece.

Bio Key Infographic Jersey Shore Graphic Design

Cloud Computing Infographic

Infographic created for a finger print scanning company to explain the importance of data protection in the computing “cloud”. Created a unique piece that flowed vertically.

How to Optimize Video for Search Jersey Shore Graphic Design

How To Optimize Video for Search | PCG

Created to advise people on solid optimization of their online videos. Original design.

PCG Infographic

Brand Your Dealership – PCG

Infographic focused on helping give car dealership owners direction on how to correctly brand their dealership for marketing purposes.

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